

 Lifeguarded Beaches

Isle of Palms County Park is lifeguarded on weekends beginning May 7, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Beginning Memorial Day, the lifeguards are on duty every day through mid-August and weekends mid-August through the last weekend in September.

Sullivan’s Island Farmers Market

Enjoy local produce, prepared food and arts and crafts, every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. April through June 1921 Ion Ave., Sullivan’s Island. sifarmersmarket

Fourth Saturday Musket Program

 The fourth Saturday of every month Fort Moultrie park volunteers and staff demonstrate how historic weapons evolved and discuss the life of a soldier over the 171 years that Fort Moultrie was used to defend America’s coastline; May 28, June 25, July 23, August 27, September 24, October 22, November 26 & December 24.

Oyster Roasts

 Two IOP standbys, Morgan Creek Grill, 80 41st Ave. and The Dinghy 8 JC Long Blvd., host oyster roasts throughout the fall.,

MAY 2016

World Turtle Day

 Celebrate the iconic reptile at the South Carolina Aquarium on May 23, with a day full of turtle-themed activities and learn about the species of turtles that call South Carolina home. Tour the Sea Turtle Hospital, which is the only sea turtle rescue facility in the state.

 Wild Dunes Memorial Day Family Fun Run/Walk

Saturday, May 28, 8 a.m. $25 per person, including t-shirt, register at 843.886.7008.

 JUNE 2016

 Spoleto Festival

 For 17 days and nights the arts take over Charleston. Plays, operas, dance and music of all types fill the streets, churches and outdoor spaces.

Piccolo Spoleto Sand Sculpting Contest

June 4 at 9 a.m. head to Isle of Palms beach for a stunning display of sand-sculpting prowess. The event is part of the Piccolo Spoleto Festival, May 27 through June 12.

Floppin’ Flounder 5K

Run/Walk This community-wide group run hosted by the Charleston Running Club and Sullivan’s Island Fire and Rescue Department has had a faithful following for 25 years. It takes place Saturday, June 4 at 8 a.m. and starts in front of the Sullivan’s Island Fish Fry Shack, 1459 Hennessy St.

 Sullivan’s Island Fire and Rescue Fish Fry

 Enjoy freshly fried fish served with a smile. One of the three major fundraisers to support the volunteer rescue operations on Sullivan’s. Held at the Sullivan’s Island Fish Fry Shack, 1459 Hennessy St., Saturday, June 25, 5 to 8 p.m.

Carolina Day

Celebrate the defeat of the British at the Battle of Sullivan’s Island June 28, 1776 with Fort Moultrie’s weekend of activities.

Summer Reading Programs

 The Edgar Allan Poe Branch Library sponsors fun summer reading promotions for the young and old alike. Visit the branch or to discover the line-up of programs and activities. 1921 I’on Avenue, Sullivan’s Island.

JULY 2016

 4th of July Fireworks

 The Isle of Palms hosts a 4th of July fireworks display over the ocean near 14th Avenue beginning at 9 p.m., 843.886.8294

4th of July Golf Cart Parade

 Deck out your golf cart or bicycle for this annual parade celebrating America’s independence. Start at the Sullivan’s Island Fire Station, end at Stith Park. Meet at 8:30 a.m.

Wild Dunes Family Fun Run/Walk

Monday, July 4 at 8 a.m. $25 per person, including t-shirt. Pre-registration required: 843.886.7008

Wild Dunes Watermelon-Eating Contest

 Come enjoy waterslides and more on the lawn next to Wild Dunes’ Palm Cove pool, July 4 from 11 a.m. from 2 p.m. $10 per person. Watch or compete in the watermelon eating contest at 12 p.m.

 Isle of Palms Beach Run

On July 16 choose from a Youth Fun Run, 5K or 10K run on the beach. Start at The Windjammer, 1008 Ocean Blvd. IOP, at 8 a.m., 843.886.8294

Brews & Chews Island Beer Festival

 July 24 3 to 6 p.m. head to Wild Dunes’ Palmetto Hall for the 3rd annual Beer Festival and Pool Party. Sip on a selection of local, regional and national craft beers. $40 for adults, $25 for ages 13-20, $15 for ages 4-12. Free for kids under 3. brewsandchews, 843.886.2218

 AUGUST 2016

Shark Week

Celebrate our finned friends August 6-14 during this special weeklong celebration at the Aquarium. Friday, August 12 there is a special kick-off event, “Dark Blue,” featuring a concert, food, drinks from 6 to 11 p.m.

 LEGO Experience Opens

The Aquarium opens its new exhibit August 19. Journey from the mountains to the sea through unique, one-of-a-kind animal sculptures built from thousands of LEGO bricks.

Half Rubber Tournament

This annual tournament takes place at IOP Recreation Center on August 20. Pre-register by Friday, July 29. $25 per person (3 or 4 players per team). Check In/Captain’s Meeting at 7:30 a.m., games begin at 8 a.m.

 National Park Service Birthday

Throughout the day August 25, Fort Moultrie hosts 15-minute programs about how it became a National Park site.


Turtle Trot Beach Run

September 10, 5 to 8 p.m. Isle of Palms.

 IOP Community Wellness Fair

 On September 22, from 7 to 11 a.m. the IOP Recreation Department teams up with the East Cooper Medical Center to offer blood work for residents including cholesterol screenings and lipid profiles at the Recreation Center, 24 28th Ave., IOP., 843.884.7031

 Jammin’ for Jammer

 Islands Turtle Team annual fundraiser is September 28 at The Windjammer, on IOP’s Front Beach. Come out for a night of food, fun, live music and a silent auction to benefit the efforts of the turtle team.


 Isle of Palms Connector Run & Walk

 Fundraising event for the Isle of Palm’s Exchange Club’s programs to help abused children takes place October 1, IOP Connector, 8 a.m.

Fire Prevention Celebration

 Look for a SI/IOP parade of engines October 12, at Sullivan’s Island Fire House, 2050 Middle St., Sullivan’s Island.

Ghostly Tide Tales

Spooky stories by bonfire light on the beach at Isle of Palms. October 21, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

IOP Halloween Carnival

l Enjoy games for all ages at the annual carnival on October 31, IOP Recreation Department, 24 28th Avenue, from 5 to 7 p.m. Costume contest at 5:30 p.m. recreation, 843.886.8294


Polar Express

Watch the Christmas classic come to life at the South Carolina Aquarium’s 4-D Theater beginning November 1 and running through the end of December. $6.95 (free for members or with general admission),

America the Beautiful Quarter release

Be one of the first to get your hands on a new Fort Moultrie quarter at the official release party at Fort Moultrie on November 17.


Scuba Claus

Beginning December 1 Santa dons his wetsuit and visits the Aquarium through December 23.

Sullivan’s Island Tree Lighting

Light up the night at the Sullivan’s Island Fire Station, 2050 Middle St. December 2, 5:30 p.m. Enjoy carols, hot cocoa and visits with Santa.

Holiday Street Festival

Join the Isle of Palms’ mayor as he lights the 22-foot holiday tree on December 3 from 2 to 7 p.m. Visit with Santa, enjoy carnival rides and more on Front Beach., 843.886.8294

Gingerbread Making

 The Town of Sullivan’s Island hosts a gingerbread house party around Dec. 15 at the Fire Station. Check website for exact date.


Dunleavy’s Polar Bear Plunge

“We’re freezin’ for a reason.” Jump into the chilly waters of the Atlantic on January 1. Meet at 2213 Middle St. Sullivan’s Island at 2 p.m., 843.795.5316

Charlie Post Classic 15K/5K

The Charleston Running Club will host the 34th annual Charlie Post Classic 15K & 5K January 8, 2017. The race starts at 8:30 a.m. in front of the Sullivan’s Island Fire Department, 2050 Middle St.

IOP Exchange Club Oyster Roast

The most scenic oyster roasts this side of the Atlantic. Get your knives out on January 28, 4 to 7 p.m. at the Exchange Club, 201 Palm Blvd., Isle of Palms.


 Sullivan’s Island Fire & Rescue Oyster Roast

 Enjoy all you can eat oysters, hot dogs, and fish stew and support local firefighters on February 4. Held at the Fish Fry Shack, 1459 Hennessy St. from 5 to 8 p.m. Tickets $30 in advance, $35 day of.

Doggie Day at the Rec

 A dog show, including cutest puppy, most attractive, and most ear’resistable, caps off this annual celebration of all things canine, held on February 4, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., 843.886.8294

 Southeastern Wildlife Expo

SEWE is a three-day showcase of everything we love about wildlife and nature. February 17 through 19.

Hunley Memorial Event

 Confederate Heritage Trust hosts a memorial to the Civil War-era Hunley submarine beginning with a parade to Sunrise Presbyterian Church, 3222 Middle St., Sullivan’s Island, on February 17.

MARCH 2017

Front Beach Fest

This annual party on Front Beach celebrates the start of the season with local musicians, food vendors, jump castles, and other entertainment. March 4, 12 to 4 p.m., 843.886.8294

 St. Patrick’s Day

 The Town of Sullivan’s Island hosts a family-friendly event starting at 10 a.m. on March 18 at Stith Park on Middle Street.

Isle of Palms Annual Yard Sale

 Every year, residents of Isle of Palms sell their old and gently used items in an island-wide yard sale just outside the IOP Recreation Center. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. on March 25., 843.886.8294

Hope on Goat

This annual fundraiser held on Goat Island benefits a different charity each year.

APRIL 2017

 Isle of Palms Easter Egg Hunt

The Saturday before Easter, April 15, come hunt eggs and get your photo with the Easter Bunny at 10 a.m. sharp! Jump castles, face painting and balloon artists round out the fun at the Isle of Palms Recreation Center, 24 28th Ave.

 Isle of Palms Exchange Club Easter Sunrise Breakfast

 Enjoy homemade pancakes, sausages, eggs, grits, coffee and beverages courtesy of the Exchange Club members who serve up this hearty breakfast for free April 16 from 6:50 a.m. to 10 a.m. Easter morning at the Exchange Club, 201 Palm Blvd.